Professional Support
Postpartum Planning Session (Meets for 1 private session via Zoom)
It's not uncommon for couples to take months or even years to plan their “perfect” wedding. In the same way, expectant parents may spend a lot of time reading books and blogs, researching their options, or polling friends, relatives, and even strangers--all in an attempt to plan their “perfect” birth. But just as planning a great wedding day doesn't prepare you for the marriage to follow, planning for your ideal birth doesn't prepare you for life with an actual newborn!
That’s where we come in. At our postpartum planning session, we’ll help you prepare for the realities of life with a new baby (or babies). We’ll do an inventory of your needs, goals, tools and resources to help you put a plan in place to make your postpartum time as stress-free as possible.
The maxim, "knowledge is power" might never be more true than when preparing to give birth during these unprecedented times! Our virtual classes will arm you with all the information you need to bring your baby into the world with confidence!
Birth Plans 101 (Meets for 1 private session via Zoom)
You've heard about birth plans. Maybe your physician or midwife has even suggested you bring one in. But what should it include (or not include)? The answer to that is as varied as birth facilities and care providers. With over two decades of experience, we are uniquely qualified to help you formulate a personalized birth plan that not only focuses on the things that matter to you, but one which will be read and respected by the care team you have chosen. It can even be used to improve collaborative communication with your care provider at your next prenatal visit! (This service is included with Birth Doula services.)
Birth Prep: Childbirth Without Fear (Meets for 2 sessions via Zoom)
It's normal to experience some anxiety as your labor day approaches, but giving birth during a pandemic brings a whole new meaning to "fear of the unknown"! This unique childbirth class includes a variety of ways to interrupt the fear-tension-pain cycle so you can approach your birth with a newfound confidence! Some of the topics covered include:
- the anatomy and terminology of birth
- the physical and emotional signs of labor
- the why, when, and how of common procedures
- comfort measures and pain relief options
Choose In-Person or Virtual, Group or Private Classes
"She is very effective at non-judgmentally exploring this topic while encouraging autonomy and empowerment in those she works with."
"Celeste provided more than a lecture, she was interactive and experiential in her teaching style."
"She helped us to reflect on and develop a deeper understanding of each others' needs and expectations in this process."
Grandparents Class (Meets for 1 session, Virtual or In-Person)
Want to be an amazing grandparent? This class takes all your wisdom and life experience (because you didn't graduate cum laude from the School of Hard Knocks for nothing!) combines them with the latest recommendations on infant care and safety, and prepares you to be the savviest grandparent on the block! The up-to-date information learned in this class will not only put all those who love this new baby on the same page, but it will help you navigate your new and rewarding role as the parent of another parent!